chỉ lần này

Chỉ có lần này anh ấy đến đúng giờ. for once. for once he arrived on time.

for once

for once he arrived on time.

dùng đến, cầu đến

Kẻ phản bội là Giu-đa đã phải dùng đến một nụ hôn để đám đông nhận ra Chúa Giê-su. resort. The betrayer Judas resorted to a kiss to identify Jesus to the mob.


The betrayer Judas resorted to a kiss to identify Jesus to the mob.

khả năng thiên phú, tài năng

Không phải ai sinh ra cũng có khả năng thiên phú như anh. endowments. Not everyone is born with such endowments as you.


Not everyone is born with such endowments as you.

sử dụng

Sử dụng quyền lực. exercise. Exercise power.


Exercise power.

lòng rộng lượng

Tôi giúp người nghèo vì lòng rộng lượng. generosity. I help poor people out of generosity.


I help poor people out of generosity.

lấy ví dụ

Lấy ví dụ tình hình năm 2007. for instance. Consider, for instance, the situation in 2007.

for instance

Consider, for instance, the situation in 2007.

thờ ơ, tách biệt

Anh ta đã trả lời với vẻ thờ ơ. detachment. He answered with an air of detachment.


He answered with an air of detachment.

ngay lập tức

bữa tối sẽ được dọn ra ngay thôi. in no time. dinner will be ready in no time.

in no time

dinner will be ready in no time.

hết công suất

Hệ thống sưởi được mở hết công suất suốt cả ngày. full blast. The heating was on full blast all day.

full blast

The heating was on full blast all day.

vương miện

Ai lấy vương miện của cô rồi. tiara. Someone stole your tiara.


Someone stole your tiara.

làm theo, bắt chước

Chuyện gì xảy ra nếu ta không làm theo? toe the line. What happens if we don't toe the line?

toe the line

What happens if we don't toe the line?

sự giao thiệp, sự giao hảo

Nếu hắn phải tìm kiếm sự giao hảo với Jim thì chúng ta cũng nên làm theo. terms. If he has to seek terms with Jim, we'd better toe the line.


If he has to seek terms with Jim, we'd better toe the line.

. for once. for once he arrived on time.. resort. The betrayer Judas resorted to a kiss to identify Jesus to the mob.. endowments. Not everyone is born with such endowments as you.. exercise. Exercise power.. generosity. I help poor people out of generosity.. for instance. Consider, for instance, the situation in 2007.. detachment. He answered with an air of detachment.. in no time. dinner will be ready in no time.. full blast. The heating was on full blast all day.. tiara. Someone stole your tiara.. toe the line. What happens if we don't toe the line?. terms. If he has to seek terms with Jim, we'd better toe the line.