tiên đề, chân lý

cảm thấy mọi chân lý trong đời cậu bỗng dưng sụp đổ axiom. feeling as though every axiom in your life turned out to be false


feeling as though every axiom in your life turned out to be false

dựa trên, đặt trên

Hy vọng của một quốc gia đặt trên vai họ rest on. The hopes of a nation rest on their shoulder

rest on

The hopes of a nation rest on their shoulder

điều lệ, luật

Theo điều lệ nhà trường, bạn không được phép vắng quá 3 ngày. code. According to the code of the school, you don't be allowed to absent over 3 days.


According to the code of the school, you don't be allowed to absent over 3 days.

dùng, tiêu thụ

Các bóng đèn mới này tiêu thụ ít điện hơn. consume. These new light bulbs consume less electricity.


These new light bulbs consume less electricity.

phạm vi

Bài báo này đúng trong một phạm vi nào đó extent. This article is right to some extent


This article is right to some extent

lúa mì

Bột lúa mì được làm từ cây lúa mì. wheat. Wheat flour is made from wheat.


Wheat flour is made from wheat.

kẻ vũ phu

Bỏ ta ra, đồ vũ phu! brute. Unhand me, you brute!


Unhand me, you brute!

nhũn, mềm, phệ

Cô ấy muốn biết cách làm sao để hết bụng phệ. flabby. She wants to know how to get rid of a flabby stomach.


She wants to know how to get rid of a flabby stomach.

hèn nhát

Cô bị sự hèn nhát ngăn cản. cowardice. You're stopped by cowardice.


You're stopped by cowardice.

. axiom. feeling as though every axiom in your life turned out to be false. rest on. The hopes of a nation rest on their shoulder. code. According to the code of the school, you don't be allowed to absent over 3 days.. consume. These new light bulbs consume less electricity.. extent. This article is right to some extent. wheat. Wheat flour is made from wheat.. brute. Unhand me, you brute!. flabby. She wants to know how to get rid of a flabby stomach.. cowardice. You're stopped by cowardice.