cười nhạo

Con không nên cười nhạo những người kém mình. sneer. You shouldn't sneer at your supposed inferiors.


You shouldn't sneer at your supposed inferiors.

ân huệ

Nhờ ơn Chúa, phi công đã hạ cánh được chiếc máy bay bị hỏng một cách an toàn. grace. By the grace of God, the pilot managed to land the damaged plane safely.


By the grace of God, the pilot managed to land the damaged plane safely.

thân phận nông nô

Cô ơi, cô kể cho tụi con nghe về thân phận nông nô đi ạ? serfdom. Teacher, can you tell us about the serfdom?


Teacher, can you tell us about the serfdom?

tuyên bố, ban bố

Tổng thống đã ban bố tình trạng khẩn cấp. proclaim. The president has proclaimed a state of emergency.


The president has proclaimed a state of emergency.

nhân viên văn thư

Anh ấy kiếm được công việc văn thư trong một tòa nhà văn phòng. filing clerk. He got a job as a filing clerk in an office building.

filing clerk

He got a job as a filing clerk in an office building.

người ngang tài ngang sức

Hắn thừa nhận tôi là người ngang tài ngang sức với hắn equal. He acknowledge me as his equal.


He acknowledge me as his equal.

đảo hoang

Họ là những người đầu tiên đặt chân lên hòn đảo hoang này. desert island. They were the first men to set foot on the desert island.

desert island

They were the first men to set foot on the desert island.

cho rằng

Cô ấy còn trẻ và đang mặc trang phục học sinh nên tôi cho rằng cô ấy đang học ở đây. assumed. She was young and she was wearing student-type clothes so I assumed she was studying here.


She was young and she was wearing student-type clothes so I assumed she was studying here.

tin chắc

Tôi tin chắc rằng anh ta sẽ mua chiếc xe hơi này. convinced. I am convinced that he will buy this car.


I am convinced that he will buy this car.

. sneer. You shouldn't sneer at your supposed inferiors.. grace. By the grace of God, the pilot managed to land the damaged plane safely.. serfdom. Teacher, can you tell us about the serfdom?. proclaim. The president has proclaimed a state of emergency.. filing clerk. He got a job as a filing clerk in an office building.. equal. He acknowledge me as his equal.. desert island. They were the first men to set foot on the desert island.. assumed. She was young and she was wearing student-type clothes so I assumed she was studying here.. convinced. I am convinced that he will buy this car.