loại, thứ

Những cái thuộc loại này không làm cho tôi thích thú. nature. Things of this nature do not interest me.


Things of this nature do not interest me.

ngăn chặn

Một nỗ lực nhằm ngăn chặn một cuộc đình công tại nhà máy. avert. An attempt to avert a strike at the plant.


An attempt to avert a strike at the plant.


Tại sao chúng tôi nên thuê em? employ. Why should we employ you?


Why should we employ you?

sơ cứu

Ở đây ai biết sơ cứu? first aid. Who can give first aid in there?

first aid

Who can give first aid in there?

xóa sạch

Cô ấy muốn xóa sạch quá khứ. blot out. She wanted blot out past thing.

blot out

She wanted blot out past thing.

bốc lên, dâng lên

Khói bốc lên từ nó. swell. Smoke swelled from it.


Smoke swelled from it.


Anh bước nhẹ nhàng vào nhà cô. light. He entered her house with light steps.


He entered her house with light steps.

chán nản

Người thua cuộc chán nản ngồi gục xuống. dejection. The loser sat slumped in dejection.


The loser sat slumped in dejection.

thuộc cha, thuộc bên nội

Bà nội tôi năm nay tám mươi tuổi. paternal. My paternal grandmother is 80.


My paternal grandmother is 80.

bụi bẩn

Các cửa sổ phủ đầy bụi bẩn. grime. The windows were coated with grime.


The windows were coated with grime.

thuốc khử trùng, thuốc sát trùng

Họ sử dụng chất khử trùng mạnh trên các thiết bị y tế. disinfectant. They use a strong disinfectant on the medical equipment.


They use a strong disinfectant on the medical equipment.

keo, dính

Ông ta dán kín gói hàng bằng băng keo. adhesive. He sealed the parcel with adhesive tape.


He sealed the parcel with adhesive tape.


Trên đầu cô ấy có một dải băng. bandage. She has a bandage on her head.


She has a bandage on her head.

. nature. Things of this nature do not interest me.. avert. An attempt to avert a strike at the plant.. employ. Why should we employ you?. first aid. Who can give first aid in there?. blot out. She wanted blot out past thing.. swell. Smoke swelled from it.. light. He entered her house with light steps.. dejection. The loser sat slumped in dejection.. paternal. My paternal grandmother is 80.. grime. The windows were coated with grime.. disinfectant. They use a strong disinfectant on the medical equipment.. adhesive. He sealed the parcel with adhesive tape.. bandage. She has a bandage on her head.